The Busy Barber
Bernie Kyle
Copyright, 2005
The Hairdressers' shop in old Kingston Town,
Was more than a 'short back and side,'
For it provided a hub - a de facto Club,
Where men could talk and confide.
It was the site for all sorts of stories,
Some true, some false and some lewd,
With all sporting fixtures dissected,
With verisimilitude.
And many a lady was slighted,
With some duly praised, that's for sure,
While surveying the latest in Penthouse,
And assessing the points of allure.
Now the owner of this Hairdressing Salon
Was a Barber called 'Figaro Joe'
While his subservient, moustachioed helper,
Was appropriately called 'Little Mo.'
And it happened, it seemed, very often,
That a Gigolo came for a trim
And he'd ask Barber Joe, how long to go,
Before he'd be free to cut him.
So Joe surveyed the men waiting
And assessed the time at his best,
To determine when he'd be ready,
To accede to the client's request.
But the waiting was always "excessive"
And the smoothy just hastened away,
So Figaro Joe was longing to know,
Why this young buck just wouldn't stay.
So Joe said to Mo, "Next time you go
And follow this bloke when he flits,
Just find where he gets better service
Than he would do from us two King Hits !?"
So the Gigolo beau was followed by Mo
Who returned with a grin on his face
And when Figaro Jo said "Where did he go, ?"
Mo quietly said, " Your place !'
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