
Bernie Kyle
Copyright, 2004
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I know that I'm able to wonder,
And I certainly can fantasize,
But I now have more of a problem,
To believe what I see with my eyes.

For that lady who's now 'bootylicious,'
Has suffered the surgical cut,
To create a curvaceous contour,
To her once overgenerous butt !

Then an airbrushed photo I'm shown,
Of someone, I guess you'll know who,
And it's rated as an improvement,
So that too, is what one could do ?

But what of that standout enhancement,
To increase those parts of one's own,
To the great apogee of a 36 D,
With the aid of much silicone.!?.

So my poor brow has cause now, to furrow,
But I need no financial shocks,
If I never live down, my troublesome frown,
I'll avoid those shots of Botox !.

And while one may may improve ones attraction,
Father Time reduces ones luck,
Then one needs to accept the decision,
To avoid the old "Nip & Tuck,"

So 'gather ye rosebuds', & if time permits,
Consider enhancement of your many bits,
But while you may gain some pleasing plaudits,
No plastic procedure can sharpen your wits.
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