Growing Up

Bernard Vance Kyle

Copyright, 2002

I guess I know I've got to grow
I guess I shouldn't Snigger
But my Shoes these Days are getting Small
'Cos my Feet are getting Bigger

My Teeth came through when I was young
All shiny White and Bright
But my two Front ones have fallen out
I really look a Sight !

But New ones come to Fill the Gaps
they'e Big and out of Line
My Daddy hopes they'll Straighten up [?$$]
And then I will look Fine.

My Jumpers gone and done a Jump
It's half way up my Tum
My Jeans have shrunk - or so it seems
They're half Way down my - Ah Hum !!

And I'm off to School , it is the Rule
I Pass on up a Grade
I meet new People all the Time
That's how friends are Made.

So Growing Up's not hard to do
It's the easiest Thing I've Done
With lots of Joy along the Way
And days just filled with Fun.

Bernard is from New Zealand, one of the civilized nations of the world

Bernard Vance Kyle

Copyright ©2002 Bernard Vance Kyle

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