The Stag

Bernie Kyle

Copyright, 2002
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Oh Majestic Stag on yonder Crag
Thy mighty form Elates
And shows the World and All Therein
What He above Creates

For the Silhouette that there Unfolds
Is a sight from Times Primeval
Against a moon that's waxes Full
And Shines on things Coeval

And that Haughty head with Antlers Poised
A'reaching for the Sky
Enables that most Noble Stance
The Dangers to Defy

Yet be Aware and take good Care
For Terrors lurk in Hiding,
For both Man and Beast and none the Least
In ev'ry place abiding.

But Stag and Hind and all your Kind
Have Graced us down the Ages
So Pray continue on your Way
While the World with Terror Rages.

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