The Taxman Cometh
Bernard Vance KyleCopyright, 2002
I'm annoyed and wild Beyond reason
With a Tension I'd rather forget
For there's a Crowd in my life who are causing Me Strife
And wanting to put me in Debt !!They Hound me for days without Number
And they think that they Know what is Best
They send me much Mail, even threaten me Jail
And indeed they're disturbing my Rest !!
I'm sure they must be mIstaken
For things aren't as bad as they Say
And they reckon they're Right and their claims Watertight
And All I need do is Just Pay !!But it's really a one sided Battle
I'm outnumbered and without support
But I've told them my Tale through Fax and Snail Mail
And God Knows, I've fought and I've Fought ..But I'm sure you know their Tax Dictum
It leaves one and all so Bereft
It's "Go to your Bank at the End of the Year
And just Send us All you've got Left!!!"
Bernard Vance Kyle
Copyright ©2002 Bernard Vance Kyle