Welcome to Jim Muri's Story Collection

Not your run-of-the-mill writing . . .
Meeting, parting, aftermath
The Connection
Just because they communicated doesn't mean they're able to connect.
Eye for an Eye
Twisty justice 'What If?"
Shadow Mission
Slightly cynical Sci-Fi
"In Case of Fire, Break Glass"
Almost Twisty
The Uprising
Political Almost-fiction
Sweet Remembrances
The Catfish Summer
Nostalgic Romance  (NOTE:  This is a prize-winning and published story)
The Coin Toss
Another Prize-winning 'What If?' story with a twist.
Health and Purity
An improved Humanity, and other surprises.
Big Game Hunting
Or weeding, or culling, or cleaning house . . .
An R&R to Die For
Maybe true love DOES conquer all!

Other short stories on the Blizzard Guy's site Comments? Poetry on the Blizzard Guy's site

Webmaster: Jim Muri
Content Owner:  Jim Muri
Last Update:  27 Oct 2005