The Silences
Tatiana TutubalinaCopyright, 2003
She: Dear, I should tell you something...
He: (interested silence)
She: You know... I am in love.
He: (alert silence)
She: No, not with you.
He: (afflicted silence)
She: Yes... But I do not regret it!
He: (condemning silence)
She: You, probably, want to know, who is it?
He: (affirmative silence)
She: It is Bobby.
He: (indignant silence)
She: No, it is not Bobby your friend from your childhood. The matter is... Actually it is not even a man...
He: (not understanding silence)
She: It is our neighbor ...
He: (the shocked silence)
She: Yes! I have been in love with her already for a long time.
He: (contemptuous silence)
She: Bobby loves me too...
He: (fastidious silence)
She: Yes, I knew, how you would react to this... But, any way, I decided that I couldn’t hide it from you any more...
He: (murderous silence)
She: You will not being to interfere with our feelings, will you?
He: (ominous silence)
She: Bobby is a wonderful person! She is so kind and generous...
He: (sarcastic silence)
She: And you... You don’t give me any gifts, you do not drive me anywhere for a long time!
He: (quarrelsome silence)
She: Don’t look at me in that “tone”!
He: (the angry silence)
She: My God, what a tough person I've got for a husband! Just like a cracker!
He: (spiteful silence)
She: You are the thick-skinned creature! You always thought only about of yourself!
He: (hating silence)
She: You never loved me!
He: (sad silence)
She: You cheated on me all the time!
He: (protesting silence)
She: Bastard! Jerk! Asshole!
He: (offended silence)
She: You are an alcoholic! Ten years you guzzled the vodka, and I suffered all that time!
He: (tactful silence)
She: You have ruined my life! Why I did not marry Gonzales? And it was correct what my mom told me about you...
He: (sneering silence)
She: Oh my God, what a silly woman I was!
He: (eloquent silence)
She: Are you scoffing? Well, enough! I’m leaving you!
He: (scared silence)
She: Yes, I’ll leave! I have no power any more! Your sarcasm! Your constant sneers! I’m tired of it!
He: (begging silence)
She: What, now you feel guilty? Were you frightened? So keep silent!
He: (plaintive silence)
She: All right, stop suffering... Well, I shall stay with you for the meantime.
He: (facilitated silence)
She: You must appreciate my kindness, you lazy bum.
He: (grateful silence)
She: All right, all right, a hypocrite. Well, listen... I should tell you something about Bobby... So... She has a husband and he is an alcoholic. Yes... He drinks pretty hard and has done it for a long time...
He: (mischievous silence)
She: Yes... And she suffered all of that time... But now he began to beat her and Bobby left his home... But I still stay with you! But she left... Common, now she has no place to live.
He: (sympathetic silence)
She: She will live with us for a while, okay? She and her mother...
He: (obscene silence through the teeth)
She: Be nice! They will not occupy a lot of space! With their sizes...
He: (tragically silence)
She: Well, you see, my love! You have nothing to object to. I always said that you understood me, more than anybody!
He: (unconscious silence)
She: All will be excellent! I already have thought how we shall be situated. Bobby will sleep in my room and her mom will sleep here, on the sofa. You see, how conveniently it turns out!
He: (death silence)
She: Well, don’t pout! You will see Bobby is very nice! She always said good things about you! She even regretted, that her husband is not similar to you...
He: (dead silence)
She: Yes - yes, that's exactly what she said about you! Also you know, my love... I have listened to Bobby and thought about how many problems could be resolved at once if all husbands suddenly became as beautiful as you... Rich, speechless and paralyzed...
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